Magnuz of Sweden

Virtual reality

This page,, was created 2008-05-27 and updated 2008-06-03 by


QuickTime VR scenes


Here are renderings of virtual scenes, presented as QTVR files.

QuickTime Virtual Reality (QTVR) is one of several ways of presenting round-views of environments, created from picture panoramas or using fish-eye optics. The scenes here are from virtual environments created in the 3D program Eovia/DAZ Carrara, "photographed" with a virtual, spherical camera, and converted with Garden Gnome Software Pano2VR. They require Apple QuickTime to be installed for viewing.

Click on icons to open scenes in a new window or tab.

  • BVault1a

    size: 2243 kB
    description: knight's hall in a baltic brick castle
  • RavsRof01a

    size: 2454 kB
    description: dungeon in a baltic brick castle
  • RavsRof0b

    size: 1891 kB
    description: castle yard in a baltic brick castle
  • Drapes1a

    size: 2561 kB
    description: classic ballet room
  • CH2a1

    size: 2359 kB
    description: exterior view of a campus building
  • CH1a2

    size: 1454 kB
    description: interior view of a campus building class room
  • Star42b3

    size: 1530 kB
    description: stellar sky with medium attenuation and with grids
  • Star42a3

    size: 1424 kB
    description: stellar sky with medium attenuation and without grids

Design & © 2008 by Magnuz of Sweden